Autism Workforce > Contact Information – Companies

Aligning Strengths for Increased Productivity

Autism Workforce helps companies grow and compete with a strategic workforce solution that positively influences a company’s culture and bottom line.

An effective autism hiring program involves aligning autism ready® protocols with a company’s standard operating procedures. Companies that hire autistic adults are experiencing lower turnover, increased productivity, and enhanced corporate culture. The results are a Win-Win.

Hiring autistic workers is proving to be a viable solution to workforce challenges in small, medium, and large companies across industries. There’s probably something here for you. Let’s talk.

'Autistic employees want to work:' The benefits of an inclusive workforce

What’s one of the largest contributions that an autistic employee can make to an organization? “They want to work,” says Maria Moran, Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center regional manager. As a result, you have a long-term employee who produces at a high level and is happy to be there. “The ripple effect of that is a shift in culture,” she explains. “People love working next to somebody who wants to be there.” This has been the case at G&W Electric — the company’s workforce now includes autistic workers who have positively influenced G&W’s culture and bottom line. “We change the way the company does business, and we change and impact lives of those with autism,” says David Geslak, founder and president of Autism Workforce.

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